Taichung Information
Getting Around
YouBike 2.0 |
From 2014 Taichung city government have cooperated with Giant to introduce the iBike public bicycle sharing scheme for conveniently getting around the city. Currently there are 1333 stations spread throughout the city. Visitors to Taichung bike Week can find a YouBike 2.0 located directly outside the Splendor Hotel.
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Taxi |
Taxi's in Taichung, as in most Taiwanese cities, are relatively inexpensive and plentiful. Most of the exhibition hotels should have taxis waiting for customers at a nearby taxi rank, if not, the hotel concierge can help you order one. Taxi drivers will rarely speak or read English so it may be advisable to carry the written address of your destinations in Chinese to show to the driver. Tipping is not encouraged in Taiwan. |
Buses |
While numerous bus routes crisscross the city, visitors unfamiliar with either Taichung or with speaking Chinese may find it easier, and not particularly expensive, to get a taxi. |
The Taichung MRT (also called Taichung Mass Rail Transit or Taichung Metro) is a rapid transit system in Taichung. |
Recommended Gifts
Store Name | Gifts Name | Website |
似錦堂 | 新食感手工蛋捲 | https://shijintang.net |
旅人票亭(同時獲評審團大獎) | 臺中驛.驛點心 | https://www.piaoting.com.tw |
玄羽皇家滴雞精 | 玄羽皇家滴雞精 | https://shopchicken.com.tw/ |
伊莎貝爾烘焙觀光工廠 | 布雪蛋糕禮盒 | https://www.isabellexperience.com.tw/ |
阿鏡師手路菜 | 鮑魚佛跳牆 | https://www.jinho18.com/ |
成真咖啡ComeTrue Coffee | 黃金比例壺精品咖啡禮盒 | https://store.cometrue-coffee.com/ |
亞尼克 | 12cm雙捲禮盒 原味+鮮芋奶霜 | https://www.yannick.com.tw/ |
小烏龜烘培 | 小烏龜美味能量曲奇餅乾 | https://little-turtle.waca.ec/ |
sNug給足呵護 | sNug漫步臺中機能襪旅行套裝 | https://shop.snug.com.tw/ |
山原色手工皂 | 山原色手工皂 | https://www.alin2008.com.tw/ |
Store Name | Gifts Name | Website |
蒙恩聽障烘焙坊 | 星星曲奇禮盒 | https://www.deaf.com.tw/ |
裕珍馨 | 非油炸沙其瑪 | https://www.yjs.com.tw/ |
歐客佬精品咖啡 | 來自臺中的西西里檸檬咖啡 | https://www.oklaocoffee.com/ |
實心蛋捲 | 捲藏臺中之美—雙蛋捲禮盒 | https://www.trueroll.com.tw/ |
星野製菓 | 布丁銅鑼燒-原味焦糖 | https://www.sing-ya.com.tw/ |
Store Name | Gifts Name | Website |
仙園海鮮會館 | 桂圓拿鐵 | https://www.shianyuan.com.tw/ |
陳石城 | 枝枝酥禮盒 | https://www.shcheng.com.tw/ |
陳允寶泉 | 經典生乳捲 | https://www.chenyunpaochuan.com.tw/ |
HGT華剛茶業 | HGT臺灣莊園茶禮盒(馥貴紅烏龍+水舞精品原葉茶包) | https://www.hwagungteacompany.com/ |
馨苑小料理 | 小魚乾辣椒醬懷舊禮盒(贈送復古醬料碟) | https://www.shan-shin.com/ |
旅禾泡芙之家 | 焦糖鹽之花泡芙 | https://www.luhopuff.com/ |
臺中市梧棲區農會 | 嚮海 | https://www.wctfa.org.tw/products/index.php |
川咖啡 | 臺灣小農鑽石型濾掛咖啡 | https://www.ssscafe.com |
東園食品 | 綜合酥脆鬆禮盒 | https://dongyuan.com.tw/ |
檸檬森林 | 好醋凍檸-檸檬醋果凍 | https://www.lemonsforest.com/ |
好樂農莊 | 臺灣鮮榨苦茶油雙醬禮盒組 | http://happyfarm.brightideas.com.tw/ |
青鳥旅行 BlueBird Travel(同時獲評審團大獎) | 蜜香蘋果系列 | www.bluebirdtravel.com.tw |
Store Name | Gifts Name | Website |
膳馨民間創作料理 | 膳馨川味酸菜魚 | https://www.shan-shin.com/ |
愛之光 flair | 愛之光flair香氛蠟燭 | https://lightoflovetaiwan.org/ |
好頌流心巴斯克專門工作室 | 經典原味流心巴斯克+大甲芋頭 | https://howsong.waca.ec/ |
木筆家 | 擴香筆座組 | https://enkaiznk5201314.easy.co/ |
Alan&Ann手作極品奶酪 | 佛手柑伯爵紅茶奶酪 | https://www.alan-ann.com/ |
La Famille 法米·法式甜點咖啡 | 蝶漫旅‧蝴蝶酥禮盒 | https://www.lafamille.com.tw/ |
咕嚕手作室 | 米雪寶冰淇淋 | https://www.pinkoi.com/store/goro-studio |
溫十八 | 溫十八牛珍寶原味鍋外帶禮盒 | https://www.facebook.com/win18hotpot/ |

Hotel Name | Address | Telephone |
Evergreen Laurel Hotel(Taichung) | No.6, Sec. 2, Taichung Port Rd., Xitun Dist., Taichung City 407 | +886 4 23139988 / +886 4 23138642 |
The Splendor Taichung | No.1049, Jianxing Rd., West Dist., Taichung City 403 | +886 4 23288000 / +886 4 23229000 |
Hotel National Taichung | No.257, Sec. 1, Taichung Port Rd., West Dist., Taichung City 403 | +886 4 23213111 / +886 4 23213124 |
Howard Prince Hotel Taichung | No.129, Anhe Rd., Xitun Dist., Taichung City 407 | +886 4 24632323 / +886 4 24633333 |
HiONE Gallery Hotel | No. 521, Sec.1, Zhongqing Road, Taichung City 404, Taiwan | +886 4 2295 6858 |
The Landis Taichung Hotel | No.9, Sec. 2, Taichung Port Rd., Xitun Dist., Taichung City 407 | +886 4 23268008 / +886 4 23268060 |
Windsor Hotel | No. 610, Sec. 4, Taiwan Boulevard, Xitun Dist., Taichung City 40764 | +886 4 24656555 / +886 4 24658555 |
Millennium Hotel Taichung | No. 77, Shizheng Rd. Xitun Dist., Taichung City 40756, Taiwan (R.O.C) | +886 4 3705 6000 / Fax: +886 4 3705 6001 |
The Huan Hotel Taichung | No. 818, Sec. 3, Taiwan Blvd., Xitun Dist., Taichung City 407, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | +886-4-27083788 / +886-4-27089669 |

Taichung has thousands of great restaurants allowing visitors to sample a wide range of delicious local and international cuisines. Local restaurants are numerous and spread all over the city. For those seeking a taste of home or international cuisine may consider checking out some of the following foreigner-owned restaurants:
Hotel Name | Address | Telephone |
UZO Mediterranean Bar & Grill | No. 22, Jing Cheng 5th Street | +886 4 2327-3518 |
Fingas | No. 162, Sec. 1, Chang'an Rd., Xitun Dist., | + 886 4 2311 0330 |
Gulu's House | No. 48, Jingming Road, Xitun District | +886 4 2327-1393 |
Anatolia Turkish restaurant | No. 150, Jing Cheng Road West District | +886 4 2320-2186 |
The Little Tibet Museum | No.2, Qinghe St., Xitun District | +886 4 2452-2452 |
Top One Pot | No.596, ChongDe Rd, Sec 1 | +886 4 2233 3308 |
Taichung offers visitors numerous things to do and see around the city. TBW Show guide gives information on many attractions.
![]() Taichung Park
![]() Taichung Railway Station
![]() LiuChuan Canal
![]() Shin Sei Green Waterway
![]() Yizhong St. Night Market
![]() Taichung Literature Museum
![]() Shen Ji New village
![]() Taichung Cultural & Creative Industries Park
![]() Natural way six arts cultural center
![]() Yide Mansion
![]() Maple Garden
![]() Park Lane by CMP
![]() National Taichung Theater
![]() Feng Chia Night Market
![]() Dajia Zhenglang Temple
![]() Dongfeng Green Bicycle Way
![]() Gaomei Wetlands
![]() Taichung Lin’s Park